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I’m Lizzie, I started this blog to share my confessions as a mom, nurse, and HomeGoods addict. My goal is to share with you advice on the things I have learned along the way.
After buying my first home, I realized that many of the interior design ideas I found online were extremely costly, and likewise in homes that did not look like mine. Where were the homes with small living rooms and no kitchen island to decorate?
Since this time, decorating has become my secret passion second to medicine and I am excited to share my projects around my builder grade home with you!
My birth experiences, breastfeeding, and transition to motherhood were not what I had envisioned, which is why I want to share those stories and help other moms navigate the challenges we face in motherhood.
I work full time as a nurse practitioner at an urgent care in Upstate NY, along with take care of two little girls, Julia and Lily, two dogs, and ten backyard chickens.
Thanks for being here and welcome again to my blog about decorating and my everyday casual, but busy lifestyle.